In Egypt

We are proud of our heritage and ancestors. Our community, our people, our goals

In America

Day to day giving our best efforts in this land to prepare for our lives and for our future

Egyptian – Americans

Join our non-profit organization and let’s make our community great as it should be.

Attention Brothers and Sisters:

The house of egypLet’s come together and have more successful events to bring our beautiful community closer. Please get involved, be an active participant in the success of building a stronger future for our community, our people!

Without the efforts put on by each and every individual, it would not be possible for communities to achieve any great goal, Our community is only as great as the families it’s made of, “I urge you”, brothers and sisters to strive for greatness, not only for yourselves, but for all of us, let’s give our-selves more to be proud of, let’s be role models for other communities; It is our duty to our-selves, our children, our countrymen and our motherland.

CSAT TV Channel

Exclusive media agent for The House of Egypt